Are Varicose Veins Always Visible?

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Are Varicose Veins Always Visible?

Varicose veins are more common in the United States than you may think. According to a study, approximately 23% of adults in the United States suffer from varicose veins. This means they affect over 20 million women and over 10 million men between 40-80 years of age.

Most people learn that they have varicose vein issues when they see those blue, bulging veins on their legs or other areas. It’s hard to deny that visible veins on legs are a sign of varicose veins. But is it possible to have varicose veins without the visual presence of those blue, bulging veins?

Today, we will get into visible veins on your legs, whether varicose veins are always visible, and what other clues you should watch out for to keep your vein healthy.

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Is it Possible to Have Invisible Varicose Veins?

The short answer to this question is yes, you can have invisible varicose veins. Don’t let that idea scare you too much, however. Other signs exist to let you know that you have varicose veins under the surface, so as long as you pay attention to those symptoms and get to a vein specialist, you should be fine. The early stages of varicose veins don’t always show as visible veins on your legs, so keep your eye out for other symptoms of vein disease besides simply visible veins.

Invisible Symptoms of Varicose Veins To Be Aware Of

So what signs should you watch out for? Below, we’ve outlined common symptoms of varicose veins that don’t present themselves as the traditional blue, bulging veins on your legs.


If you find that your legs, feet, and/or ankles are swelling, you may be dealing with varicose veins. Damaged veins restrict your blood flow, which can show itself in the form of swelling, as the blood can’t pump back up to your heart as it should with a healthy vein.


Many people think that cramping is due to muscle fatigue, diabetes, old age, and more. However, cramping is one of the first signs that you have varicose veins. Cramping is caused when your veins are damaged and cause your muscles to contract involuntarily.


Are your legs feeling heavier than usual? This could be a sign of varicose veins. Your legs feel heavy since the valves in the damaged veins are “leaking.” This means that the vein walls become dilated and your veins are unable to work correctly, which leads to venous reflux.

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Itching and burning

One of the unfortunate symptoms of invisible varicose veins is itching and burning. This happens when blood builds up in your damaged veins and eventually leaks into your skin. This is also coupled with inflammation that blocks oxygen from reaching your skin, thus causing them to itch and burn.

Restlessness in legs

Do you go to bed feeling major discomfort if you stop moving your legs? Chances are good you have restless leg syndrome as a result of your invisible varicose veins. Restless leg syndrome makes it feel nearly impossible to stop moving your legs, as the pain and discomfort lessen as long as you keep moving. Restless legs happen because your damaged veins cause blood to pool, which leads to muscle problems and restless legs.

Now that you know it’s possible to have varicose veins that don’t always result in blue, bulging visible veins, let’s talk about what to do if any of the above symptoms sound like something you’re dealing with.

What To Do if You’re Experiencing These Varicose Veins Symptoms

If you can say “yes” to having any of the symptoms above, it is time to schedule an appointment with a USA Vein Clinic specialist. Even if you don’t have visible veins on your legs, you may be suffering from vein issues that have the potential to go much deeper than varicose veins. And if they are varicose veins, just invisible ones, then your doctor will come up with a treatment plan to knock them out before they cause you bigger problems.

It is always better to err on the safe side and get a diagnosis from your vein specialist at the first sign that something with your veins is amiss — even if that sign isn’t actually visible varicose veins.

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